قطع الضغط - الصفحة 6 من 6 - شركة الوسائل الصناعية

قطع الضغط

Design Features:

Polypropylene compression fittings provide the simplest and most economic solution that ensure fast and safe connection and their suitability for reuse are its outstanding features. All compression fittings are available for PE pipe from 16mm to 125mm outside diameter. They are easy to use and do not require specially skilled operatives to install. Alwasail compression fittings are designed to confirm with pipe manufactured to UNI, ISO 161/1, ISO-9625, DIN, 8074, DIN 19537, AS and SAS Draft No. 5208 and others. For more detailed information of this product category, you may check our Irrigation catalog. irrigation-2016-2017-thumb

قطع الضغط الفئات الفرعية


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