Polypropylene Rigid Riser - Alwasail Products

Polypropylene Rigid Riser

Polypropylene Rigid Riser

  • مصبوبة، مادة البولي إيثيلين السوداء.
  • نهايات داخلية مدببة تسمح للرؤوس المنبثقة بالانزلاق للأعلى والاسفل بدون أي قيود.

Polypropylene Rigid Riser


  • Molded, black polypropylene material
  • The tapered inside ends to allow standard pop-up heads to slide up and down without restrictions
  • BSP male thread on both sides
  • Extruded black polyethylene material.
  • Tapered inside ends allow a standard pop-up head to slide up and down without restriction.
  • BSP male thread on both sides.
  • Available sizes 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″, 1 1/2″ and 2″ dia


  • Polypropylene Rigid Riser’s specifications are available on its datasheet.


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